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Message from The Chairman

Sri. N. Sivadas
Conference Chairman

I am honored and delighted to welcome you all along with the Mookambika Namboothiri Trust members Sri. Ajith Kartha(Trust Chairman), Sri. M.P Jayanthan Namboothiri(Treasurer) and Sri.B.Rajendran(Director) to the joint International Conference on behalf of the program board. I believe Mookambika Technical Campus has provided a venue that guarantees a successful technical conference amid the culture and scenic beauty of cochin..

The Milestone of hosting this Conference is an honour to the campus. I am immensely happy that Mookambika Technical Campus could collaborate with the Ides & ACEECOM in jointly organizing the two International conferences simultaneously namely , the CIIT 2017 and EMIE 2017. The conference proceedings would be published by the McGraw-Hill Education.

The conference is a forum where the true spirit of curiosity and inquisitiveness are inculcated and shared. As the chairman of the conference I want to take this opportunity to explain why I think research is an important component of education studies and teacher development. The education professionals are always learning, researching and analyzing information looking to improve and adapting to the modern demands. The Education and research should serve to liberate, promote democracy and equality of opportunity. Research can help teachers to understand what the short and long-term implications are and to, provide a justification and rationale for decisions and actions, help to build a repertoire to help deal with the unexpected, identify problems and inform improvement.

We are looking forward to a successful conference which will embody both continuity and innovation among the researchers. The network of academics and young researchers has to further grow. Our goal at CIIT-EMIE is to promote research awareness, develop mutual cross-cultural understanding to educate students also about differing perspectives, and to give delegates the platform for recognition of their research enhancing their career objectives as well. The meet will indisputably be a fitting place for a conference that demands delegates to consider the Nation's past, present, and future.

Finally, we wish you all for a joyous stay in Cochin and thank you for you would be making this a truly great Conference.







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